Watch the Salve Making Video Tutorial

Equipment used: We use two elements, two pots full of water and two 1 litre Jars that hold about 4 Cups

Regular Salve is made by adding melted beeswax to cannabis massage oil to the desired consistency and is good for all first-aid purposes, as well as fungal infections and athletes’ foot type complaints, eczema’s, dermatitis, and allergic reactions to the sun caused by allopathic medicines. We also have several wild- crafted herbal infusions that we combine to target specific conditions.

Regular Salve
Use a container you can re-use for melting wax, like a 1L. glass Peanut Butter jar.
Melt 1/3 Jar (1 1/3 Cups) Beeswax in a pot of water.
Warm 1⁄2 Jar (2 Cups) Massage Oil
Add 25 ml. Vitamin E. Oil to the massage Oil
Stir well
Add Melted Beeswax
Stir very Well
cool slightly
We make approx. 16 4 oz. Jars

Arnica Salve

Arnica Salve is specifically for lupus, providing instant relief and preventing outbreaks becoming exasperated, tightens skin and reverses Rosacea.

To make 4 cups

Melt in double boiler
1 1/3 cups Beeswax
1 1/3 cups of Massage oil
1 1/3 cups Arnica extraction
25 ml. Vitamin E oil

Green Lion

Green Lion Salve offers superior pain relief when gently rubbed into affected areas. The action is similar to Tiger Balm (without the burn) if massaged into arthritic lumps and bumps, sore achy joints, old injuries or your forehead for headaches.

Warm 2 Cups of Massage Oil.
Add Essential Oils of (by the drop) 14 Eucalyptus, 14 Camphor, 13 Menthol, 17 Lavender, 14 Tea Tree, 13 Wintergreen and 13 Peppermint.
Leave overnight
Melt and Stir
Add 15 drops of Cinnamon
Add 1/3-1/2 part melted beeswax to the amount of massage oil you use
We make (approx 14 x 4 oz’ bottles) from the above proportions

Sun Screen / Aloe Salve

Aloe Vera Salve contains Shea Butter, Bees Wax, Lecithin, Vitamin C and Lavender Essential Oil.

This salve will help: Any skin wound, burn, scald, blister, infection, sties, conjunctivitis, athletes foot, warts, acne, allergic reactions, eczema, sunburn, radiation burn, shingles, rosacea, dry skin and frostbite.

Melt 1⁄2 cup beeswax in double boiler. Add 1⁄2 cup Shea butter. 2 cups of massage oil. 1⁄2 cup aloe vera gel.
1/3 cup liquid lecithin. 4 tablespoons of Vitamin E. oil and 25 drops of Lavender oil
Stir until contents melt
Remove from heat to cool slightly
Then blend in blender
Bottle and refrigerate