The Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada started offering its services in January 1996. Our mandate is to supply medicinal quality cannabis and cannabis-based products to those with permanent, physical disabilities or diseases.

Our cannabis-infused recipes are created and baked by our staff and enjoyed by our members. Now you can make them at home.

In response to our members needs we are constantly developing new products. We now make twenty-nine skin and edible products.

Each recipe is created to help reduce suffering, restore health and remedy many ailments known to be treated by the cannabis plant.

Introduction by Gayle Quin and Ted Smith

Cannabis is an ancient medicine on the return in our culture in a time of great need. Its wide range of medical benefits has been documented scientifically (if only to be shut out politically). We want to make available the methods and procedures that we use to heal a growing number of brave, sick people.

Cannabis can be used to replace almost any type of allopathic medicine, from diuretics to anti-depressants ear oil; throat sprays and salves that reduce tumors. Extracts have been found to be effective on everything from bacteria and fungi, to the herpes virus and staphylococcus. Whether it is a male or female, kola, root or seed, all parts of the cannabis plant can be made into medicine. That the planets most precious plant is still oppressed must be one of our societies’ greatest travesties.

In Canada, the idea that there are no studies done and that more studies need to be done is simply redundant. All we have to do is interact with the rest of the world and share knowledge. There are studies and recipes from Britain from the 1600′s; Egypt in the time of Pharaohs; 4th century Jerusalem to modern day China and Russia. India has never experienced prohibition and does not bear witness too many health problems which plague Western cultures. There are many currently published books and substantial research available, if required, to prove to any reasonable person that the benefits of cannabis far outweigh the risks, especially when eaten.

Our Recipe Book is a guide to preparing and using cannabis medicines. We recognize that every individual has their own preference, medical needs and experience. This willprovide many of the procedures to prepare and utilize edible or skin cannabis products you require. These recipes and techniques are the result of 14 years of making cannabis- based products, with many people contributing information and advice. A huge thanks goes out to all who helped in the development of these medicines.

These medicines can be made in any kitchen, using tools and products found in most grocery stores. Teaching people to make their own medicines using readily available resources is part of an evolutionary shift towards sustainability.

This guide offers the methods and resources we use to make all of our edible and skin products. We provide standard operating procedures to making oils of varying potency for different purposes and an overview of the specific benefits that each of our products offer. All of our Edible and Topical recipes are exactly as we make them at the CBC of C.


Raw materials – All of the cannabis plant can be used to make medicine, people often discard large quantities of leaf and stalk into dumpsters or compost it. Our edible and topical products rely on the supply of different grades of leaf donated to us.

Different grades Leaf is divided into 3 grades. The Highest Grade is used for edible products, then Ryanol and the lowest grade for Skin Products. If mould is found the bag should be discarded.

At least 3 strains Scientists have uncovered a vast spectrum of trace chemical components in the cannabis plant called Cannabinoids. Each has its own effects in inter- action with the Cannabinoid receptors throughout our entire body. Only a limited portion of the known Cannabinoids are present in each strain. By combining 3 strains or more we can increase the number of Cannabinoids present in our products, increasing their spectrum of efficacy.

About Cannabis product testing and research We are excited to work with Dr. Paul Hornby from the Green Cross Society of BC in Vancouver and his gas chromotographer to help test the quality of our products. We have tested our regular cookies, Ryanol & Cannoil 3 times and with his help have made a great improvement in our methods over the last year. This recipe book is updated with all our new discoveries using this empirical testing method.

Buying Ingredients

When buying ingredients for your medicinal foods, choose whole, raw, organic, locally produced products. Shop from local businesses and buy hemp to help heal the planet aswell as yourself. We use hemp in as much of our recipes as we can. In some recipes wemake flax water for a healthy vegan alternative to eggs.

Hemp seeds are the most-balanced source of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. The body cannot produce these EFA’s so they have to be taken in with the foods we eat. However, when foods are processed, their EFA’s lose their nutritional value and even become toxic. Hemp seed has no psychoactive properties but hemp oil is the best fat to promote efficient assimilation of THC and other beneficial Cannabinoids.

Lecithin comes in liquid or granule form for baking or in capsules as a supplement. Lecithin is found in all living cells of the human body. It aids the body’s use of fats and oil-soluble vitamins by emulsifying them to a form we can use.

This is why we add it to our cannabis baking, to help our bodies use all the Cannabis oil. Lecithin breaks up cholesterol to help prevent Arteriosclerosis. Lecithin is essential to a healthy nervous system as it is found in higher concentrations in the Myelin sheath, (the fatty protective coating of the nerves) so you can see how it will help things like Multiple Sclerosis and White Finger.

Decarboxylation – Cannabis is extremely interesting in that 2/3 of its chemical makeup is inactive until heated. This is why the main way of ingesting cannabis continues to be smoking. Various cannabinoids like THC, CBD and CBN appear as acids in the raw plant. Over time these acids turn into THC, CBD and CBN but it is much more common to make the conversion using heat.

Heating cannabis increases its potency and without it you dont get high if you make a cannabis salad (unless you toast your buds first). However, you dont want to expose it to too high or prolonged a temperature or you start to destroy its active chemicals.

Spread the ground bud/leaf evenly (up to 1 inch thick) on a baking sheet and heat it to approx. 300F for 30 minutes. Switch the tray levels half way and stir the herb. We do this before adding the plant material to the oil, effectively converting the dormant THC- acids and CBD-acids into active THC and CBD. This process releases vapor in a similar way to a vaporizer. We advise using a fan and/or sealing the room and making the most of your experience.

Resource Checklist

Leaf /Bud 3 Kinds
Toaster Oven Baking trays
Double Boiler and an Element
Strainer and Cheesecloth
Re-sealable bags Jars (Clear Glass)
Hand Grinder for making Oat flour
Blender for grindingGoji berries and blending Salve
A Capping Tray & large syringe For making Ryanol
Bottles /Jars for Salves and Massage oil

Making Ghee: In a heavy stainless steel pan (or double boiler), melt butter on medium heat. Scoop the white foam from the surface and discard of it. This is clarifying the butter of moisture and nonfat milk solids. The whole process will take 30- 45 minutes.

Infusing Cannabis

View our Decarboxylization and Infusion video tutorial here

Divide leaf and Bud by quality: the highest quality leaf is used for edibles; the least quality for skin products. Grind to a fine consistency (but not powder) and store in sealed bags in a cool dark place labeled with the date, quality and # of strains in the bag.

Combine three or more different strains in a large bowl. Weigh out amount indicated for the desired potency on the Preparing Oils and Butter chart.

Heat Oil to medium or prepare Ghee. Decarboxylate and add leaf and cook at medium heat on a double boiler for 6 hours. Strain leaf through cheesecloth and squeeze to get maximum oil.

Add 250g (12 jar) liquid lecithin (for edibles) and stir well. Cool slightly and pour into jars. Label Contents and date. Put in refrigerator. Infused Oil will last in the refrigerator for a long time.


Eating cannabis differs greatly from smoking in a few major ways. Cooked cannabis maximizes the potential benefits of CBD, which is primarily a muscle relaxant. Eating can induce heavy drowsiness in a short period of time, therefore we advise against driving or operating machinery after eating cannabis. The onset can be short, as quick as 10 minutes, or take up to a few hours, so patients must also have patience before re- dosing (beware the munchies). The body-stone effect lasts many hours, providing relief through a long nights sleep. Its advisable to start with a low dose (1/4 or 1/2 a cookie) and increase in moderation to meet your needs.